Entertainer Shahid Kapoor has started his Friday on an intriguing note as he started off going for his next movie with chief Ali Abbas Zafar. The Kabir Singh star dropped a brief look at his first day of shooting with chief Ali Abbas Zafar for his actioner that is a variation of a French film, Nuit Blanche. Shahid shared a cool look at his kinship with Ali in a truly flawless photograph on his online media handle and left his fans energized.
Taking to his Instagram story, Shahid dropped a photograph where both he and Ali could be seen grinning at one another on the main day of shooting. Ali and Shahid were seen twinning in dark in the photograph. Shahid shared the photograph and expressed, “Day 1 Blood…Crime…And Lots of activity. Here we go…. @aliabbaszafar Better get your game face on.” On the other hand, Ali likewise had a similar photograph and expressed, “Lets kick this off @shahidkapoor are you prepared for an insane , peculiar , distraught ride of firearms and groups.”
Purportedly, Shahid will be seen assuming the part of a cop who is pursuing the mafia rulers in Ali’s untitled film. The French film on which Shahid’s next is based has obviously been changed in Tamil and Telugu as Thoongaa Vanam and Cheekati Rajyam individually.
In the mean time, aside from Ali’s film, Shahid likewise has Raj and DK’s web series that additionally stars Raashi Khanna. He will be seen next in Jersey with Mrunal Thakur and Pankaj Kapur. The film is good to go to deliver in venues on December 31, 2021.