Aryan Khan’s nervousness during security check while boarding the cruise alerted the NCB officials; Report

Aryan Khan’s nervousness during security check while boarding the cruise alerted the NCB officials; Report

The internet is filled with news about Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan’s arrest after a Goa bound cruise was raided by the NCB officials. Reportedly, the star kid has been taken into custody till October 4 and it is said that he had consumed charas. An earlier report had suggested that Aryan Khan was apologetic when he was asked to accompany the NCB officials to their office. And now in the latest reports, an NCB official revealed how SRK’s son was nervous while boarding the cruise and that is what gave the officers a hint. 

According to several reports, the NCB officials had been tipped off about drugs that will be carried at a mid-sea party. They had been planning to bust this cruise party for a couple of days. The NCB officials had chalked out a plan and decided to dress as undercover agents to enter the cruise. The undercover officers entered the vessel through the Green Gate in south Mumbai, while a team lay in wait on the shore. “The team kept a close watch on the invitees. We studied their body language at the entrance to ascertain if they are the ones we were looking for,” said an officer.

After most of the guests were on board, the staff members of the cruise made way for the VIP guests Aryan Khan and Arbaaz Merchant. The moment they were subjected to mandatory security checks, Aryan got nervous and that alerted the officials. After this Arbaaz Merchant’s shoes were thoroughly checked and drugs were found in them. Arbaaz and Aryan were then detained for questioning. The duo told the NCB that they were part of an 8-member group and the rest of them had already boarded the cruise.

Aryan is now under custody till today, October 4. 

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