Television actress Nia Sharma who has made a very prominent mark in the industry with her outstanding performance in Jamai Raja, Naagin 4 along with others is the new wild card entry in Bigg Boss OTT. The actress talks about the strategies she’ll be using and what kinds if twists she will bring along.
Nia who is known for her roles in ‘Jamai Raja’, ‘Naagin 4’ and many more expresses her excitement and also shares about her strategy and favourite contestant.
She said: “I have always been in the news for entering ‘Bigg Boss’ but never worked out; finally, the time has come. After all, I am over-the-top. I have been following the show 24×7 and I know exactly what I have to do once I am inside. Well, I can give a little hint that Pratik Sehajpal is one of my favourite contestants and would want him to become my connection.”
Nia added: “My strategy is simple, to live and let live but yeah you never know what my actual strategy is. So gear up for over-the-top spices. Stay tuned!”
So now it’s time to wait and watch.
‘Bigg Boss OTT’ streams on Voot.