In case you are somebody who has been riding web-based media, you might have heard the viral tune Manika Mage Hithe by Sri Lankan Sensation Yohani. Presently, fortunately the tune will get another Hindi form and will include in Sidharth Malhotra, Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh starrer Thank God. The declaration was made by T-Series with a photograph of director Indra Kumar and Yohani and it left fanatics of the Sri Lankan vocalist energized. A unique Hindi rendition of the melody will be important for the film which will see a dramatic delivery one year from now.
Affirming something similar, Director Indra Kumar said, “Yohani’s melody has turned into a super sensation and I am amazingly grateful to Bhushanji for giving me this blockbuster track to be essential for Thank God! We are for the most part exceptionally invigorated for this variant and will start shooting soon for the track. ‘Express gratitude toward God’ is a special cut of life satire, and me and my entire group are anticipating introducing it to crowds one year from now!” The melody for Sidharth and Ajay’s film will be created by Tanishk and verses are being written by Rashmi Virag.
Further, invigorated Producer Bhushan Kumar additionally communicated that he is thrilled to have the vocalist ready. He said, “We are very excited to work together with a particularly skilled performer like Yohani and introducing her hit track Manike Mage Hithe in the primary Desi rendition for Indian fans. We have consistently been at the front line of melodic patterns and this will be an interesting track for every single Indian fan! ‘Express gratitude toward God’ is an exceptional family performer for all crowds to meet up and watch, and we are anxiously anticipating its dramatic delivery soon!”
Singing Sensation Yohani was grateful for the chance of working together with India’s greatest film forces to be reckoned with. She said, “I have gotten gigantic love and backing from India and am amazingly appreciative to Bhushan Kumar, Indra Kumar and the whole group of Thank God for introducing the Hindi variant of my track in the film! I’m anticipating visiting India soon!”
Discussing the film, Thank God unites Sidharth, Ajay and Rakul in a one of a kind cut of life satire with a message. The film’s shoot is going on and fans are eager to see the three stars together in a parody film.