TV’s most famous comedy show The Kapil Sharma Show is going to make a comeback soon. Recently a promo of the show has also surfaced. But the absence of Sumona Chakraborty in this has disappointed the fans.
The Kapil Sharma Show is going to start on TV very soon with a new season. Kapil, Kiku, Bharti Singh, Sudesh Lahiri, Chandan and Archana Puran Singh are going to be seen in the show. Recently the promo of the show has been released. In which Sumona Chakraborty, who plays Kapil’s wife or love interest, is not seen, her absence in the promo has fueled the speculation of her exit from the show. At the same time, Sumona has shared a very interesting note on her social media account. Everyone is shocked to read which.
One must put one’s life to accomplish something
In this note, Sumona wrote that, if you do not give it the right opportunity then you will never know if there is anything in store for you. Whether it’s a relationship, a new job, a new city, or a new experience, throw yourself into it completely and don’t hold back. If it doesn’t work out then it probably wasn’t for you and you will leave without regret knowing that you have put your whole heart into it. This is a terrible feeling.
Shared note on Instagram story
Sumona further wrote that, knowing that you should have done more and could have. So find the courage to take that opportunity, find the motivation to take your next step, and once you do, put your heart into it and don’t look back. Sumona has shared this note on her Instagram story.