Often dubbed as India’s first male supermodel, Milind Soman is one of the country’s most celebrated style icons. The avid fitness enthusiast and Supermodel of the Year 2 judge, on Tuesday evening, took to his social media space to give a sneak peek of his selfie time alongside Malaika Arora and Anusha Dandekar. Going by his latest Instagram post, it appears that the shooting of the fashion reality TV show has been going on full swing.
In the selfie shared by Milind, the trio can be seen sharing an infectious smile as the camera captures them. While sharing the endearing picture, Milind enunciated, “Selfie time on the sets with my favorite judges @malaikaaroraofficial and @vjanusha. It’s gonna be a tough job for us to decide who will be Supermodel of the year !!!!!!!!!” before adding the hashtag ‘coming soon’. As soon as the picture surfaced online, Anusha quickly reacted to the post by showering love on both the judges.
Talking about the second season of Supermodel of the year, the show is based on the concept of grooming and training models for the fashion industry. There are ten supermodels who get selected from all over the country and are trained under the guidance of mentors like Malaika Arora, Milind Soman and Anushka Dandekar. Meanwhile, on the professional front, Milind was last seen in the web show Paurashpur alongside Shilpa Shinde and Shaheer Sheikh. Earlier to that, he was a part of the cast of Four More Shots Please.