Monday began with a beautiful set of photos shared by Katrina Kaif from her wedding. She penned a note for her sisters as she shared photos of walking down the aisle with them to marry Vicky Kaushal. Katrina and Vicky have been sharing photos from the wedding ceremony that took place in Rajasthan. From wedding to Haldi to Mehendi, Katrina and Vicky’s photos have been taking over the internet. And now, Katrina shared new photos of walking down the aisle with her sisters towards groomie Vicky Kaushal.
Sharing the photos, Katrina penned a note for her sisters and expressed how they protected each other over the years. She wrote, “Growing up, we sisters always protected each other. They are my pillars of strength and we keep each other grounded… May it always stay that way!” In another set of photos that were shared by Anaita Shroff Adajania, Vicky was seen waiting for his bride Katrina as she walked down the aisle with her sisters. The smile on Vicky’s face said it all.
The gorgeous photos of both Vicky and Katrina from the wedding were clicked by Joseph Radhik and his team and Errikos Andreou. As soon as Katrina shared the new photos, celebs began showering love on the couple. From Nimrat Kaur to Shanoo Sharma, all were in awe of Katrina’s royal bridal avatar. Both Katrina and Vicky opted for Sabyasachi designer outfits for their wedding ceremonies. From Sangeet to Haldi to Mehndi, both bride and groom were dressed in Sabyasachi designer wear.
On Sunday, Katrina and Vicky had shared photos from their sangeet-mehendi where the two seemed to have danced their hearts out with family and friends. Not just this, Katrina was seen shaking a leg with Vicky’s dad while the groom was seen dancing with brother Sunny Kaushal. The gorgeous photos have been going viral on social media since the couple began sharing them on their handles. Vicky and Katrina got hitched at Six Senses Fort Barwara in Rajasthan on December 9, 2021. The couple dated for a while before they decided to take the plunge.