One of Bollywood’s premier studios, Yash Raj Films is gearing up to set foot in the field of digital entertainment and for their debut OTT series, the makers have decided to showcase the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy in a show starring Irrfan’s son Babil Khan, R Madhavan, Kay Kay Menon, Divyenndu Sharma. The series titled The Railway Men is a story about how railway workers at Bhopal station saved countless lives during the 1984 tragedy that shocked not just the nation but the world..
The Railway Men will be helmed by debutant director Shiv Rawail, son of veteran filmmaker Rahul Rawail, for the job. The series will star R Madhavan, Kay Kay Menon, Divyenndu and late Irrfan Khan’s son Babil Khan. Talking about the series a source revealed, “While Yash Raj movies are known for their star-studded cast, Adi knew that the show, given its subject, hinges on rock-solid performances. After months of discussing names, the team zeroed in on Madhavan and Kay Kay, two of the finest actors we have today.”
Reportedly the series is mounted on a budget of Rs 100 cr and it went on the floors in Mumbai yesterday. A large set has been created in Kalina. Yogendra Mogre, producer of House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths, will creatively supervise the project. Currently serving as executive producer at YRF Entertainment, Mogre says, “We won’t leave any stone unturned to ensure that The Railway Men reaches out to worldwide audiences so that they can understand the devastation that this tragedy caused in India.”
The Railway Men will be the first of five OTT projects slated for the 2022 release. The drama is slated for a December 2, 2022 release, with the makers currently locking the streaming platform.