Over the past few days, the temperature has dipped across the nation and places like Mumbai that have never experienced chilly winter are now coping with it. Amid this, our Btown stars too are making the most of the chilly weather and speaking of this, Janhvi Kapoor’s sister Khushi Kapoor recently shared a glimpse of it on social media. Janhvi and Khushi’s pet Panda also has an Instagram account now and on its handle, Khushi shared a cute glimpse of their cuddling time amid the Mumbai winter.
Taking to Panda’s Instagram handle, Khushi shared a cute photo in which she could be seen spending time with her puppy. In the photo, Khushi could be seen lying in her bed amid the chilly Mumbai weather. On her, her pet Panda could be seen sitting. The cute moment was captured in the frame and Khushi could be seen pouting away while pretending to kiss Panda in the photo. Well, amid the cool weather, having one’s pet by their side certainly helps and Khushi certainly is making the most of it.
Recently, Janhvi also shared cute and cuddly photos with Panda on social media and left netizens gushing over them. Janhvi and Khushi recently recovered from COVID 19 and the Dhadak star shared a statement about it on social media on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Khushi is gearing up for her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar’s film on The Archies comic. The film will also mark the debut of Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda.