Ayushmann Khurrana, an actor, will bring “Pooja” back with more drama in his upcoming movie “Dream Girl 2.” The feedback from the movie’s audience has been extremely positive.
In stark contrast to the films that Ayushmann typically makes, the Dream Girl series offers a narrative.
Ayushmann Khurrana said of the character, “I never imagined that I would have a successful comedy franchise in my career.
Ananya comments on the performance of Ayushmann, “Ayushmann was top-notch. He was so unrecognizable by the time he got ready and arrived on site that it would seem like a cameo appearance in the movie. He had learned everything, and he was genuinely offering me advice on nail paint. Before the take, we would repeat our lines several times to make sure we got the lines and dialect down. We were able to improvise and have a free flow while we were in front of the camera.
Ananya has frequently played the part of an urban girl on TV; in Dream Girl 2, she discusses how she fought to shed that stereotype. Fortunately, our shoot started in
Ayushmann Khurrana, an actor, will bring “Pooja” back with more drama in his forthcoming film “Dream Girl 2.” The audience’s response to the film has been overwhelmingly positive.
The Dream Girl series delivers a storyline in sharp contrast to the films that Ayushmann generally makes.
I never expected that I would have a big comedy franchise in my career, Ayushmann Khurrana remarked of the role.